Monday, 8 December 2008

baby with Sore on chin and chest problems

                    I would have been very alarmed if I had seen the baby when he/she had the chest problem. I would have feared that the probable Staph. infection on the chin had spread to the lungs and Staph. pneumonia is a life-threatening condition. However, the fact that the baby has recovered is against such a diagnosis.
Probably the sore on the chin is unrelated to the chest problem. Probably the chest symptoms were due to a viral infection known as bronchiolitis. This sounds as though it was a mild episode and that the body defences have overcome the virus - most commonly one known as respiratory syncitial virus which nearly all of us catch for the first time between 0 and 2 years-of-age.
No action need be taken about the chest now that he/she is recovering and I presume the local doctor has given something for the sores on the chin.

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