Tuesday, 18 November 2008

infant mouth ulcers

  I am so sorry your daughter has this painful mouth ulceration. If your doctor thinks it is cold sores. Then she has caught it from someone else - possibly an adult or older child with a cold sore on their lips. All of us caches this infection in the first few years of our lives. The first attack usually shows as mouth ulceration - mainly inside the mouth but often on the outside too where it looks like a cold sore on an older person. Once we have had this infection 60% of us have no further problem but the other 40% are unfortunate and have cold sores on the lips whenever stressed either physically or emotionally. The commonest stress that does this is the common cold hence the name cold sores.
It is very important to keep pushing the fluids although they are painful. A small proportion of children who have this initial infection become dehydrated and need hospitalisation.
The fact that the ulcers are near her uvula suggests that they may be due to a less common viral mouth infection, called Coxsackie. The result is much the same with reduced food and fluid intake because of a sore mouth. After this form of mouth ulceration heals we don't suffer the repeated sores as do 40% of the cold sore sufferers.
You are in for a few miserable days whichever virus is responsible. Keep up the fluids.

> Hello,
> I just brought my 8 month old daughter to her pedia for her 2nd half
> of her flu shot while the doctor wasdoing some exams we found out
> that the inside of her mouth has cold sores,right next to her
> uvula.I was so afraid and did not realize that causes her so much
> pain when she's eating or drinking her milk from her bottle. I was
> so
> anxious that's why i wanted to ask you if this kind of viral
> infection cangive herproblem in the future or will it happen
> again?What causes this break out?
> And why would appear it by her uvula which is very unusual?Her
> doctor
> gave her a prescription to ease down the pain which is good for 7
> days.I just cant help seeing her like this.
> Please i need your response,my email is mrlflorencio@gmail.com
> again,Thank you very much for reading my letter.

1 comment:

George Quirk said...

Hi there. I know I'm a couple of years late but I'm hoping that you and your daughter are okay. I have a 7 month old son and I can't imagine him having mouth sores coz' he's in the oral stage and he loves sucking his milk bottle. Mouth sores for the little ones must be really horrible, because even adults find it annoying. I remember I had three at the same time and man, it was painful that I went straightaway to the nearby Myrtle Beach Dentist Clinic. My specialist told me that I need to give special care to my mouth. He added that mouth sores are often caused by nutritional deficiencies, smoking, stress, certain drugs and allergies. I know that as a kid, whenever I eat chocolates, I'll have these horrible mouth sores. So knowing what triggers the appearance of mouth sores is very important. I'm just glad that my dentist, Myrtle Beach is always available to help me with my dental concerns.

Hope that everything is well with you guys.