Monday, 30 May 2011

Toddler Chronic diarrhoea

My 21 month old was experiencing a severe 'smokers' cough for about 9 months and then developed chronic diarrhoea which was frequently very milky. Suspecting lactose intolerance I changed from cows milk to soya milk (not a good idea in infants by the way), his poo changed colour but otherwise was the same. I went straight to Jan de Vries (Auchenkyle, Troon, UK) he prescribed echinacea and a herbal bowel preparation and within 2 weeks his cough was gone and he was back to his normal poo pattern. He also recommended that I switch to Nanny's goat milk formula as cows milk is extremely high in protein and can be very difficult for some infants to digest. Don't know if this is in any way the same as very few tests were done but it might be worth getting the opinion of a qualified naturopath. DO NOT give herbal remedies without consulting a practitioner!!!!

Thank you for this account of your child's problems and their resolution. I am glad he is well again. Goat's milk is very low in folic acid but these days most commercially available goat's milk feeds have it added.I am not sure what role the echinacea played but in adults with certain conditions it should not be used - no problem for children though. Infants who are allergic to cow's milk protein are also often allergic to Soy.
I am very pleased that the diarrhoea has stopped.

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